Wednesday, December 2, 2009

So what is SCRIBO?

Scribo is a favorite word of mine from a favorite language, used to describe one of my favorite activities. Since it's quite filled with favorites, I decided it would work to describe my blog. Like the title of my about me section, "Ego," it's Latin. "Scribo" (pronounced screebow) means "I write" and "Ego" means "I am."

Lately I've realized I have a lot of ideas and not enough discipline, time, or motivation to write them down. That's what this is for, along with my journal and novel project. I'm tired of waiting for the right push or block of time. If I want to do what I love, I need to start now. This blog should help.

Basically, I want to write down my thoughts, opinions, and random observations. I like to read blogs, so I figured maybe I should join the party and start one of my own.

In a nutshell, this blog will usually cover the following topics, sometimes relating to teens and sometimes not:
-the publishing business
-life, mine or otherwise

I plan on writing posts at least 3 times a week, very loosely on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

One last note. I have a slight obsession with acrostic poems. They're great creative exercises. In the event that I ever have readers, I invite you all to create your own acrostics in the comment sections.

Sometimes I dream or feel or think then
Create stories for others to
Read and love or hate.
If often clumsy they
Bear some mark
Of truth.