Sunday, January 24, 2010

Book Covers

The whole "Magic Under Glass" thing* has me thinking about book covers. I never knew they could raise such a fuss. Actually, watching the whole thing unfold has been fascinating and eye-opening for me. It's these times that make me feel ignorant and young.

Since I began taking an interest in the publishing industry it's surprised me how much people talk about book covers. About impacting sales and controversies and all that. Whenever there's a post on it it seems like all the readers go on and on about how the book cover is the first thing that makes them pick up a book, etc. etc.

Personally, I never cared much about them. I choose to read books for myself with about 4 different methods. None of them have too much to do with book covers.

1. Recommendations: This is probably how I come across most books. The opinions of bloggers, writers, and friends I respect take top priority. If one of these people says it's good and the blurb is interesting, I'm likely to add the book to my wish list.

2. Amazon Surfing: I love searching for new books online. It's like a scavenger hunt with countless options. I guess you could say when I scroll through pages of options the covers impact my choice, but consciously I'm thinking about titles and number of stars or reviews. When it comes down to decision making, I read reviews.

3. Gifts: Relatives like to gift me with books. I have no say in this, so book covers aren't relevant.

4. Bookstores: Every once in a while I'll stroll through a bookstore, but this is becoming less common. I recently received a Kindle for my last birthday. Yes, book covers matter in a store, but they're not the primary factor. I first choose a genre, then look for books with authors I recognize. And in the end, it's the blurb that matters.

I think my lack of focus on covers may be a sign of the changing industry. You don't see covers on an e-reader. If, as many predict, physical books do disappear completely, covers will be just like CD covers. They're seen on iTunes, but does anyone actually care about them that much? I don't think so.

When it comes down to it the book is about the story. No cover is going to save a bad story or kill a good one.

What do you think? Are book covers still important?


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