Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Whistling While We Write

First, let me begin by admitting my lack of whistling ability. No matter how hard or much I've tried I just end up blowing some air out and looking silly. Somehow I wasn't built to whistle and I guess I'm okay with that. (Although, if anyone has some whistling tips I'm happy to listen.)

For a long time I refused to ever listen to music while I wrote or read. That came from some superstition of blocking my ideas. I have found that the music distracts me while I'm trying to focus on something. Despite this, sometimes it's worthwhile to bring some sort of entertainment to an otherwise boring activity.

Benefits of Listening to Music While Writing:
1. Background entertainment keeps me doing the task at hand.
2. I like to use the Pandora app on my itouch, so it keeps me from playing games since I'd have to stop the music to do so.
3. Sometimes the ideas or words in music spark ideas.

Basically, I'm now addicted to Pandora. I still can't bring myself to listen to music while I read, though. I feel like I need to devote my attention to the work of one artist at a time.

What about you?


  1. For me, music inspires the entire mood of my book. I can't write without it. And lucky me... your second follower.

  2. That's a cool way to think of it. I have heard of some people listening to different music depending on the genre of the writing. Thanks for joining!
